As many companies shut down and millions of employees are now without a job, recent graduates from the Class of 2020 fear for their future. Job hunting during COVID-19 times will be far more difficult, yet not impossible. Fewer job companies are hiring right now than in the last two months, with some exceptions. Those who are looking to hire are taking much longer.
Ultimately, recent graduates must begin with the right attitude to seek employment.
You have Attitude, Yes You Do!
Despite the difficult situation, we are all in; recent graduates must remain optimistic. Students can take comfort in knowing that graduates have historically been better situated to rise from economic downfalls than those without a post-secondary degree. Many opportunities still exist for current job seekers, and the key is to know where to look and how to market oneself. If there is a position of interest, peruse the website, review their mission, value statement, and look for other job opportunities. Although it may take longer for the employer to fill open positions, they will still be evaluating resumes, selecting prospective candidates, interviewing, and eventually, making offers. The University of Washington developed a Recruitment and Hiring during COVID-19 site to help prospective employees navigate this new job market.
Also, there are extensive options for job boards, and new ones are surfacing daily. Since there are many options to choose from, job seekers must conduct searches based on the opportunities the student is interested in pursuing. This is good practice as recent graduates are narrowing down the field on the sites most focused on the forms of job opportunities they hope to attain.
Know your Stuff
Since job interviews will most likely be conducted on video, job seekers should prepare for at least one interview, if not all, interviews to be conducted virtually. The virtual interviews will be very different than in-person interviews, and as such, it is recommended job seekers practice several times before the actual interview. Indeed, the job search engine provided a list of tips to help ace your virtual job interview.
Remember to get your detective skills before the job interview! Know the company you are interviewing and how it fits within the scope of the company’s mission and how your skills transfer to the position. Prospective employers want to see job seekers know about the company and the position. By demonstrating you have an understanding of the company, you are going to best situate yourself for landing the role that will help the company navigate the future.
Right Now, Transparency is Key
Be honest with your prospective employer and the interviewing team. Tell them your limits that could impede you from giving it your all. Although, the position may not be immediately filled and will more likely be remote, you and your health are paramount.