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Great Ideas from our USU Members – April 2020

Amidst the disruption of the COVID-19 pandemic, our urban serving universities are rising to the challenge and rapidly innovating to support their students, faculty, staff, and community. Each Friday on our Facebook page, we are sharing one “Great Idea of the Week” from our member institutions. Check out our spotlights from April and leave a comment if you’re feeling inspired. If you’d like to suggest a great idea to highlight, email us.

Transforming Teacher Training to Support Community

For schools and colleges of education, student teaching programs are both a critical learning and training opportunity for teacher candidates as well as a partnership between a university and the K-12 schools in its community. When Arizona State University transitioned to remote learning, the Mary Lou Fulton Teachers College mobilized to create virtual opportunities for teacher candidates working full-time in schools to continue their training. Through Sun Devil Learning Labs, ASU teacher candidates deliver live streaming lessons, with supervision and coaching from ASU faculty to learners from pre-kindergarten through grade 8.

Supporting the Local Hospitality Industry

The need for social distancing to curb the spread of COVID-19 has shuttered restaurants and caused devastating financial loss to this dynamic industry. The Chaplin School Hospitality at Florida International University has teamed up with the South Beach Wine & Food Festival to create an Industry Relief Fund to provide grants for independently owned and operated businesses.

Walking a Mile in Someone Else’s Shoes

The transition to remote learning has changed the learning experience for students and faculty alike. To better understand the remote learning experience at Morgan State University, President David Wilson enrolled in two courses. Seeing the challenges and opportunities of remote learning for himself  has helped him stay connected to his students.


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